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"I've gained an appreciation for the word 'cunt.' Negative words-the best thing is to diffuse them by using and taking the meaning away. Cunt! Cunt! It's a great, great word. Very forceful." - Rolling Stone, 2002.

"He [Viggo Mortensen] became utterly fascinated with it, and it became the word of the film. Their Winnebago for makeup was called the Cuntebago. I was not a part of the Cuntebago unfortunatly-it was the makeup room of Orlando, Viggo, and Sean Bean-but it was a lovely place to visit. Cuntebago T-shirts were made up. There was a Cunty Christmas and we had a Cunty Christmas tree, all this stuff. Cate Blanchett was deemed Her Cuntliness." - Rolling Stone, 2002.

"I really had to pee and I was embarrased to tell my mother about it. And I just remember peeing myself and being really embarrased." ("Got control of the bladder now.") - Rolling Stone, 2002, on his earliest memory.

"There are these kinds of social cliques, and do you belong, do you not belong? It's such fucking bullshit, it really is..." - Rolling Stone, 2002, on High School.

"That was awkward. At the time I wasn't exactly comfortable with any kind of sexuality around my mom. It wasn't just a kissing scene, it was highly clinical. You know, tounges and mouths." - Rolling Stone, 2002, on filming a kiss with Ricci in The Ice Storm.

"I was in love, you know what, once, but it was that kind of ypung, fresh, puppy-love thing that you get when you're like sixteen. It was this girl named Sarah. She used to come to my house at five o'clock in the morning, and we'd just hold each other on the couch for like twenty minutes and then she'd go off to school." - Rolling Stone, 2002, on his first love.

"They thought we were a bit odd, calling eachother 'hobbits.' We met George, he was nice and asked how it was going, but there was something, an edge to the thing. I think it stems from the fact that George thought it couldnt be done without ILM. I'm really looking forward to Episode 2, I'm sure it will be great." - Empire, 2002, on his visit to the Episode 2 set.

"I realized I had to embody a character that so many people are familiar with and had lived with, in a sense, for generations. It's a massive amount of pressure and it put me in a situation I've never really been in before." -Empire, 2002, on LOTR.

"Yea Dom And Billy [Monaghan and Boyd - fellow hobbits.] showed me the way of the pub. We got that bit down pretty fast." - Empire, 2002

"Are you silly!? Can you imagine me wearing it like its an ordinary ring?" - Empire, 2002, when asked if he was wearing the one ring, which he kept after filming LOTR

"My God, ridiculous, I've never been in so much pain in all my life." - Late Show with David Letterman, 2001, about getting his tatoo

"I'm very proud of it, I still look at it when I get out of the shower." - Late Show with David Letterman, 2001, about his tatoo

"Quite simply, it is love. It is that unconditional love that says, regardless of what you do or where you go, I will always be there for you." - LOTR Official Movie Guide, 2001, on Frodo and Sam's relationship

"This is the first time I've played a fifty-year-old!" - LOTR Official Movie Guide, 2001, about his role, Frodo Baggins

"I think the Hobbit nature has rubbed off on me. I related to Hobbits in the sense that they love good friends, food drink and good food. I think once we cemented the relationships with the Hobbits, we definitely exude Hobbitness." - AOL Chat, 2001

"My favorite is the sequence of the mines, the first scene. It's the most exciting. I'm in love with the cave troll now! I got so sad when the cave troll dies. He gets shot through the head with an arrow, and he makes this terrible sound! The poor, confused cave troll. He doesn't know what he's doing. He just never had the proper guidance." - AOL Chat, 2001

"[Do you have a girlfriend?] Unfortunately, I don't. I'm a hopeless romantic, and it's quite painful to not have a relationship with a girl. Sadly, I'm single. [Do you believe in true love?] Of course I do! I wouldn't be a hopeless romantic if I didn't. I'm a sucker for romantic films. I cry like a child! For people who are hopeless romantics,Love Jones is a wonderful film. Of course, so is 'When Harry Met Sally.' Everyone sheds a tear." - AOL Chat, 2001

"When you smoke and bite your nails at the same time, you know you've got issues." - AOL Chat, 2001

"A monkey. I'm pretty active, and I like to climb things, and I was always called a monkey as a kid. I liked to climb in the cupboards. I like hugging." - AOL Chat, 2001, when asked what animal he is most like.

"A dream I had as a child would be to hide in Disneyland and stay in the park overnight and get in for free. I'd take some friends along, and we'd ride the rides all night. Splash Mountain, come on! That's just freaky. It's all happy at first, but then the scary music comes on and you plunge to your death!" - AOL Chat, 2001, when asked what he would do if he was invisible.

"I love film, I love watching movies and I love everthing it takes to make a movie. I am fascinated by the process on every end, from the technician on the set to the sound recording to the cinematographer. And I love acting, putting myself into different characters and exploring different people who can learn not only about themselves but about life." - Premiere, 2001

"Family is so important. I rarely meet families who are as close as we are. I feel really blessed." - Premiere, 2001

"It was amazing to be welcomed into a journey that I knew would not only be a journey as an actor but as a person as well." - Premiere, 2001, on LOTR

"I am sure there will be issues at some point, whether or not I will want to contact him. But at the moment there is nothing. My mom so overcompnsated for the loss of a father." - Premiere, 2001, on his parents divorce and separation from his father

"That's the kind of movie that should be making massive money - not that fucking Pearl Harbor piece of shit." - Premiere, 2001, on Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

"My older brother told me, 'Stay away from women', and I'm taking it to heart. I'm staying clear. It's kind of like a museum where they have those really cool paintings. They're behind the glass and you can look at them, but you can't touch them. That's what it's like with girls. I can get myself into trouble. And also it's hard because I'm an actor and girls might not like me for who I am. That's hard to deal with." - Hollywood Online, 1996

"I don't read the teen magazines. They're weird. I see headlines like 'Big Blue Eyes Elijah Wood: We've Got Him!" I don't like that. It's so bubble-gummy." - People, 1996

"If I'm with friends, I want to talk about sports or games or a new CD that's coming out. When we talk about me, it's about me as a person, not an actor. That's great. That's a relief." - St. Petersburg Tribune, 1996

"I enjoy writing, and I know that if I can really focus on that and get some good tuturoing in English, I can be a really good writer when I get a little older. What's more fun than that? It's creating your own world." - Entertainment Weekly, 1994

"I'm not on drugs. I'm not an alcoholic. I've just got incredible people backing me up...I wouldn't even think about taking drugs. I think it's ridiculous! I think people are throwing their lives away. River Phoenix was such a talented actor. I would have loved to see him win an Oscar. He so deserved it. Obviously he got mixed in with the wrong crowd. That ruined him. I love life. I've always been this way." - USA Today, 1994

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