3/12/02...Added the new Quote of the Month for March! It's so cute.
3/8/02...OVER 500 HITS! I'm so stoked, thank you all so much.
2/24/02...As much as it breaks my heart to admit it, yes, Elijah is now doing a film with Mandy Moore. Ananova.com reports that he will be starring in a romatic comedy called "Try Seventeen," and guess who the love interest is? You guessed it. Mandy Moore. To try and make myself feel better, I've heard she was good in her new film. But, me being the anti-pop person that I am, am not too thrilled about this.
2/8/02...I realized I need to add updates about Elijah, and what he's doing insted of exclusively site updates.
2/6/02...Tripod finally let me upload, so the Wallpaper section has 6 new Elijah wallpaper!
1/29/02...My server screwed up last night, so I could'nt come online and update! *sobs* And now that I'm online finally, tripod is screwing up and I can't get into File Magager to upload some wallpaper for you folks. Hopefully I can get that fixed today and if I do, I'll update again.
1/26/02...To make my Wallpaper page easier to load, I've split it up into 3 different sections, Elijah, Frodo, and Lord Of The Rings wallpaper. Also, I cleaned up this main page by making a Update History page to every now and then take a bit of the updates off so it doesn't get too big. Oh, and I massivly cleaned up the Quotes section. I organized it chronologically and added where the quotes could be found and what year.
1/26/02...Elijah's interview on The Late Show with David Letterman was repeated last night, so, like a good Webmistress, I watched it twice and wrote down 2 really cool quotes about Elijah's tatoo which I posted in the Quotes section!
1/23/02...OVER 100 HITS! Thank you all so much! Thats a big accomplishment for so short a time! Big day today, I hunted down Elijah's AOL chat transcript in TheOneRing.net's news archives, and slaughtered it for my quote section, cause he's really cute in it. It inspired me so much, that I decided to have a "Elijah's Quote of the Month" featured here on the index page.
1/22/02...I dont know what the hell is wrong with tripod, it is now having a pop-up with my index page along with the stupid banner on the page itself. It's pissing me off. And there is a "Access is denied" thing popping up too, which pisses me off more. I dunno how to stop or fix it, so I simply apologize.
1/22/02...LOL! I just realized that all my previous updates I listed as 01 instead of 02! So I went and changed that, cause I cant have everybody thinking its been a year since I updated! Also, the buttons I hade made for the site, I did'nt like much, so I spiffied them up and they are better now! (LINK ME WEBMASTERS!)
1/21/02...*ElijahStar* now has an affiliate! Check out A Star Is Born. A newly created Orlando Bloom page maintained by my bestest friend in the whole wide world. Us friends gotta stick together! Also, I saw LOTR for the 7th time today (HEHE) and decided to make a LOTR section here that talks about Frodo and Elijah's experience with the movie, so check back for that soon!
1/20/02...I added 2 new Elijah Wallpaper today, so check those out. I really like them. Added a few more Links too.
1/19/02...I created *ElijahStar* January 7th, and it is now the 19th. And guess what? IT'S DONE! Or, I should say complete, because I've filled every link. The site will continue to grow as is normal for a site to do. YEAY! YEAY!
1/19/02...The thing you all thought would never happen, has. I've finished the Biography section. IT'S DONE! GO READ IT! YEAY!
1/19/02...Well, this clique happy site is getting alot of hits! (It's getting some, I mean, this is way more than I ever got on any other site I've made.) And I'm finally getting acknowledged by the cliques I've applied to, so I'm in their members section now! Yea, so, It's all good! OH OH OH! YEA! Check out Hobbity! They called me a "great addition to the clique" because when they asked why I loved hobbits I relpied, "Love hobbits? Are you kidding? I am a hobbit, thank you very much." ;)
1/17/02...Hehe, BEWARE! LELA HAS GONE CLIQUE MAD! Mu-ahahaha! At the bottom of this nice pretty main page you will see a riot of links, ElijahStar's attempt at promoting itself! Its working so far too, someone from Thailand signed my guestbook! YEAY!
1/16/02...I've been adding links and cliques for the past two days, it will be a slow process, but worth it!
1/14/02...The About section is done finally! So, to recap on everything, all I'm missing is the Bio and some more Links...SOON, I PROMISE!
1/14/02...I started school again today, so my updates might come less often. Today I'm adding 1 new Wallpaper and working on the About section.
1/13/02...Oh yea, the Quotes section is completely done too! I might add a few more quotes in the near future, but it's good now.
1/13/02...I've been picking at various parts of the site today. Made a little page about me that can be reached in the About section (but that section still is'nt done) and added some banners for the site in the Link section. The Films section is completely done, I added a few quotes to polish it up.
1/12/02...Adding 2 new sections! Yea, I know, the sections I already have arent complete, but hey, thats how new sites are! I'm adding an About section and a Quote section.
1/11/02...I just got a guestbook! View Guestbook
| Sign Guestbook
1/10/02...Last update of the day, I promise! I added a hit counter from Site Meter, It's what I use for all my sites, cause the counter button can be really small and its a free service.
1/10/02...Not only did I finish the disclaimer, but I also finished the Film section! I have to thank Blue Eyes for letting ElijahStar in their clique! I also need to thank them for the filmography, I used the information they presented to create my own. Definatly check that site out.
1/10/02...I finished the Wallpaper section of the site, so go ahead and and see my wallpaper! (Wallpaper is one of my hobbies, Ive been doing it for, say, 3 years and have a few hundred now. Go to Wallpaper by plastic_fae It was my first site and holds all of my wallpaper.) I'm gonna attempt to write the disclaimer today, which, to summarize, is gonna say, 'the graphics are mine so hands off, but the pictures in them are'nt. If the pics. belong to you and you do'nt want them used, mail me and I'll take it down. Also, alot of everything belongs to Lord of the Rings and professional photographers, so I dont claim ownership on that.' I hope to work on the Biography section again today, but thats gonna be a long work-in-progress to give a good, comprehensive bio on Elijah Wood. :)
1/8/02...Ive been working on the other parts of the site, and it's been progressing very well. Ive started on the Bio and Wallpaper sections, so there is something actually there when you click on them. I just wouldnt do it yet, its gonna be awhile before they are done.
1/8/02...Well, seeing as how I created this page yesterday, it is'nt really done. But with all my webpages, it will become a functional work in progress. ;) Just give me time. So, stay away from the above links, cause they wont lead anywhere...
1/7/02...A STAR IS BORN!
Update History
Also from Ananova.com, Elijah apperently talked and reconciled with his father. I don't have any quotes from Elijah in the matter but his father says, "Elijah called me from his home in Los Angeles and we had our first heart-to-heart talk in years. We spoke about the family and Elijah's film and I told him how proud I was of what he had achieved....I love Elijah dearly, as I do all my children, and I'm absolutely thrilled at his success. But our lack of contact has been heartbreaking for me. I have missed him so much....Now, at least, I feel we have a new beginning, and it's more than I could have hoped for at this point. I feel like a door has been opened. I hope we can move forward and become close again." I don't really trust the truth of his father's statements much until I hear something simmilar from Elijah.
First off, I found a site link on TOR.n that describes some of the footage of The Two Towers trailer. So check that out at Aint It Cool News.
Also, Elijah was voted "Best Actor of All Time" by National Lampoon, check out that cute article at The Harvard Crimson Online.
And on a LOTR note, a friend of mine stumbled upon an online Quenya(elvish)/English dictionary. Quenya-English Dictionary.
Want a transcrpit of Elijah on David Letterman? TOR.n has one here.
Even though it's in another language, this site has easy access to LOTR character interviews using Quicktime. The interviews are in English, and I love the one of Elijah. Go.
All graphics copyright 2002 p_f. So dont steal them! But, check out the disclaimer too.